
DAVP Resources

The definition of the Detailed Audiovisual Profile consists of the profile XML Schema and a document describing the profile and its semantic constraints. Both are freely available for download.



XML Schema

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Publications related to DAVP

  • W. Bailer and P. Schallauer, “The Detailed Audiovisual Profile: Enabling Interoperability between MPEG-7 based Systems”, Proceedings of International MultiMedia Modelling Conference (MMM 2006), IEEE Press, Beijing, CN, Jan. 2006. Full paper (PDF)
  • P. Schallauer, W. Bailer and G. Thallinger, “A Description Infrastructure for Audiovisual Media Processing Systems Based on MPEG-7”, Journal of Universal Knowledge Management, vol. 1, nr. 1, Aug. 2006. Full paper (PDF)
  • R. Troncy, W. Bailer, M. Hausenblas, P. Hofmair and R. Schlatte, “Enabling Multimedia Metadata Interoperability by Defining Formal Semantics of MPEG-7 Profiles”, Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Semantic and Digital Media Technologies, Athens, GR, Dec. 2006. Full paper (PDF)
  • W. Bailer, P. Schallauer, M. Hausenblas and G. Thallinger, “MPEG-7 Based Description Infrastructure for an Audiovisual Content Analysis and Retrieval System”, Proc. Conference on Storage and Retrieval Methods and Applications for Multimedia, San Jose, CA, USA, Jan. 2005. Full paper (PDF)
  • W. Bailer, P. Schallauer, “Metadata in the Audiovisual Media Production Process”, in M. Granitzer, M. Lux and M. Spaniol (eds.) Multimedia Semantics – The Role of Metadata, Springer, Jun. 2008. book Web site
  • B. Rettenbacher, P. Schallauer and W. Bailer, “Einsatz von MPEG-7 für die Entwicklung von akustischen Klassifikationssystemen”, 32. Deutsche Jahrestagung für Akustik (DAGA), Braunschweig, DE, Mar. 2006. Full paper (PDF)